So you had a little bump on the way .. you thought things were going the way you wanted until that one day .. your calculations went horribly wrong. What did you do ? Felt bad about yourself.. cribbed about why God why did this happen to me!! Did you feel like you didn't deserve it, but it happened to you anyway. Do you wake every single day knowing that "your invincible" .. that bad, evil and ugly things never happen to you. Atleast I do. I thought God himself blessed me with this supernatural power which beats superman, spider man, iron man and hulk. They fought against evil ... and in my case I managed to believe, I conquered it. Now the question is, will you let that one single horrifying wrong day, ruin your belief! To be honest, I was hung up on it for three whole days and it pretty much took all the fun outta me until I decided to take charge. And that day everything went smoothly. I felt like I was on a roll. So was it that I had an extremely bad day followed by an extremely good day. That is highly unlikely. Its all in your head people ...its all in your head .. you thought it was left .. but it was the right side of the bed.
Hurt but coping me
Hurt but coping me