Saturday, February 11, 2017

Then and Now

    I think I was 12 years old, my friends and I were playing on our building terrace and suddenly time had stopped. We all froze, looking at these green starlike objects streaking in the sky. It felt like they were coming to get us, it was a meteor shower. I was scared yet I stood there in awe. It was the 90s, it was a time that my worries ranged from boys to school homework. It was a time without Facebook, a time without exposure to the cruelties of the world, a time of complete innocence.

    I liked myself when I was kid, I was cool. I was probably a little full of myself with all the attention I got but I remember I stood up for myself. I was the boss of me. Even though I hated my dad advising me all the time, his words hounded me. They protected me. Life was simple at that age then all hell broke lose at 16. The girls got meaner, boys got cocky and I succumbed to studies. It was the only thing that kept me sane and I got good at it.

    Fast Forward to a still of me looking at the full snow moon today and the venus that shines so bright. I was reminded of this amazing childhood memory that I wish I could share with my husband and baby. If I could tell my 12 year old self about how the future is going to be, I would say, We did Okay.


P.S. Not that my 12 year old self cared, I was busy being AWWEE-SOME.