Thursday, November 24, 2011

Change is Constant

It's not just the naked trees that are feeling the change in the wind. The trees are losing it's defenses .. so have I. This week has been really eventful. At this very moment, there is silence.. but it's the one before the storm. Finally my ship is going to go through a test of time.. and I can't wait for this journey to begin. I admit I'm not completely equipped but I'm taking it one day at a time.

Built for the Sea,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Off the list

Out of stuff I have on my list of things to do, one of them was going to the cinemas to watch a movie by myself. At this point in my job search, I see everything as an opportunity. Similarly, I have two hours of wait time for a ride back home, my brother suggests I watch a movie and I promptly act on it.
I went to the counter all nervous... asking her. How long is the movie Boots ? She says 1.5 hour... perfect. I go on to explaining why I am going to the movie alone yada yada yada... I'm sure she thought why is she telling me all this. Instead she said. wow puss in boots... a nice selection. I promise you wont get bored... it's got some adult jokes.
I know going to a movie alone is weird... but going to a movie with just you in the hall...what are the chances. This is just the word alone in it's entirety. Well, I didn't mind it much. I liked the movie. It's animated..It's has cat fights (literally)... and importantly it has a rodeo cat with an accent. It can't get better.

Reached a new level of personal growth,
yup... that's me

Weather Girl

Yeah I watched Weather Girl yesterday, but this post is not about the movie. It's something I need to change about myself. It is something simple, it doesn't take any time at all but it can save me a whole lot of trouble. Guess what that is... Watching the weather channel.
Today as I was walking on the side of the road, I saw girls carrying long fancy umbrellas. Well, girls do that I didn't read too much into it. It was bright and sunny, so I smirked and said to myself..what is wrong with these people. I know right. Sadly, right now I am stuck at schine, eating late lunch, gazing through the window and telling myself again why the hell didn't I carry an umbrella.
I blame cuse really. The locals here say, if you want the weather to change, just wait a day. Amen brother. This time of the year is weird. It's neither snowing nor sunny.. It is somewhere in between and not in a good way. It's frustrating to step out of the door in an outfit totally inappropriate for the weather conditions. Hence, I say it again, I need to watch the weather channel.
The nature is playing tricks on us. Following are the series of events that took place:-
sunny (in the bus) -> hail (waiting for connecting bus) -> sunny (walking to office) -> hail (walking to the diner)-> sunny (walking back), in the matter of three hours. I rest my case.

Janhavi breaks into a song ... Everywhere you go... always take the weather with you....lalalalala... lalal ...

This is me signing off,
Have a bright and shiny day.. people of New York.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It's been a while since we used kinect. The reason being we lost our TV at the mercy of my nephew. That sweet little thing didn't even know that he was creating a hole in our hearts. Yeah that is how important TV was for us. And now the hole is filled up with a new TV.

Anyhoo.. yesterday I felt like dancing in the middle of the night. So I did just that. I think the time lag is having a weird effect on me. I sleep at weird hours and am awake through the night. I think dancing is the best thing that happened to me. I mean I don't know where it comes from. No one in my family is known to be remotely into dancing ... or they just haven't got out of the closet. I ain't complaining.
One of the things I regret is to quit my professional dance lessons. The only memory I have of that is moving forward with tapping steps in a straight line without looking down. And the dance teacher looking at me in awe. It's hard to admit but the reason I left dancing is because I couldn't find a holy song for my finale. I was so scared to show up for the next class without a song. Silly eh. Looking back at it now I feel like a sore loser. I gave a really stupid reason to get out of it. I wish I would have had the courage to show up and face the consequences. I really love dancing. How else do you think I can make it through watching all seasons of Dance India Dance.

So right now my ultimate goal is to reach rank 1 in Dance central. I've currently made it to 6 and there is a long way to go. Yes I know I'm bragging. But there are very few things I can be proud of. And dancing would be one of them. :)

Right now I was listening to this song called "Hambo pa laven" by Knife River Cowboys. And it made me dig into the meaning of Hambo. To my surprise, I found out that it's actually a traditional dance in sweden. Now ain't that sweet. It looks complicated in it's own way. It kinda reminded me of that tom and jerry episode Crambone ( I don't think they are related but if you see any resemblance... then we are on the same page. If you don't then you are way smarter.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'm no SpongeBob

Despite my unbelievable matching characteristics to Mr. Sponge bob... I secretly aspire to be like someone else. And who you might wonder. It's none other than Garfield. OMG where should I begin. Don't get me wrong it's not my goal to become a fat lazy cat. I just find him hilarious. He has a great sense of humor. I think Jim Davis did a great job. Garfield might be fat, lazy, selfish. But his sarcasm just beats all. My love for this cartoon may also be coz I try to be sarcastic. Not sure how well I do at it. But as per her, at least I do it at the right time. :)

Anyhoo I like garfield and odie. I wonder if I would have had a dog and a cat and they were great friends. But, cats can be so impersonal at times. They are so independent that it makes me feel inadequate. Dogs on the other hand are so dependent... and it gives me the feeling of nurturing someone.. truly taking care of them. If ya know what I mean.

Switching back to Garfield.. of course I have his comic scripts.. nearly all of them. :). The best part is that he is himself. He doesn't worry about other people or animals. He can be himself and say things that he truly feels.. however inappropriate they are. No pretend non sense. I like that. Long Live Garfield. And hoping for more sequels.

Cartoon Lover,

Quotes from Garfield:
If you are patient, and wait long enough, nothing will happen.

Odie, let's talk effort versus return here. You know, you can still lead a pointless life without all that running around

Why don't YOU watch where I'm going?

Good Times are ahead or behind.. but they sure aren't here.