She is a year older .. and aging beautifully..
Define mother: A mother is a biological and a social female parent of an offspring. Hmm true but so incomplete. How I can even try to define her when I know for sure that there is so much to her and there are countless roles she has played all throughout her life and most importantly my life. You think its easy to raise a child like me ..Man! I wouldn't want me as my daughter, so selfish so ungrateful so greedy. The first memory I ever remember as a child is when my mom baked me this huge cake, shaped like a cat for my (some number) birthday. It was not easy coz u had to make round shaped cake three times... one for the head, one for the stomach and one for the ears and tail. And I remember helping her by putting all the gems on the side..I think that was the last day I ever helped her doing anything. Well all my birthdays have been the most amazing birthdays ever .. coz every year all my 12 friends came home .. and we had a blast. And I was so grateful to them coz they came all the way even when they had exams approaching but there was this one person in the background who I never thanked, to keep all my birthdays a surprise, cooking all the food, and making milkshake and ice-cream for everyone. Oh she has done it all.. without a word, without a complaint, without yelling. You know I have never heard my mom raising her voice and hence my friend you see the outcome of it ... "A brat like me". So selfless that she is ..every new perfume, new shade of the nail polish , new shoes, new make up kit was first filtered by me in you know I took all the good stuff and all she said was "You keep whatever you like, its all for you". I see all these people mention their mothers as their friend think they could tell their mom which guys/girls they liked or dated...or had the nerve to tell her what time they came home last night ...or who they actually went out with!! Well I never had to lie to her ..coz she made my life so easy .. she trusts me ... she loves me and will stand by me no matter what. Time spent with her just seems different .. I know everyone thinks "My Mommy Loveliest" but I guess that's the beauty of a "Mother". No one can replace one. If I have to be selfish and greedy ..I would want her all for myself. Today for her birthday, I promise I will give her least of the troubles..will obey her ..will treat her the way she should be ...marry the guy she wants me to... try to be an amazing cook..just like she is and come really really close to, being a "Mother" like her.
Happy Birthday ,
your ungrateful but loving daughter,
well said.. brilliant..
Aunty you have a lovely daughter.
Belated Happy Birthday :)
Girl I am sure you make your mom proud.
since when did u start thinking ..let alone writing like this?
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