Chicks Chicks Chicks .. out of all kinds ..the confused , the pretty , the dumb , the independent , the smart .. the bold, the boyish kinds ... there is one genre which spans over all the other .. "The Bitch". She is the one who knows it all . She knows when he likes her .. she knows when he needs her .. she knows when he absolutely loves her and she knows when he'll do anything for her. So the question is why does she act so innocent and stupid all the time ? He is probably under the notion that he is making her fall in love with him ... but what the poor little dog doesn't know is that she is the one pulling the strings. She is the one messing up his head, heart and his life. She is pretending when she says "I don't know why you would think I liked you"..she's pretending when she says "Don't be so nice to me all the time.." and definitely pretending when she says "you soooo understand me" coz she knows for sure he is head over heels ..truly madly deeply in love and would fulfil any unrealistic want when asked for! All we girls need is a little bit a attention ..let me not generalize .. some of us need a hell lotta attention.I agree I am girl and I am probably pissing off a lotta others my kind. But my point here is .. Playing with hearts has become our strength which some of us are really proud of. But should we consider ourselves stronger than men coz we can get them where we want ? We can manipulate them, tease them, mess them up and throw them when done. Is that what we stand for ? I want to turn this around. Its hard for me not to believe I can get any guy I really want..but the method is just very unethical.
A proud Woman
A proud Woman