You're Eating gum ... the flavor just started to get a lil old and someone offers you that sinful dark chocolate Hershey and all you can think of is to 'hide the gum' in some corner of your mouth and enjoy the taste of chocolate. Suddenly you find yourself chewing something at the same time .. and that's when you realize you gotta either spit da gum out or live with it coz you got it all mixed up. What do you do ? Friends are like gum's and chocolates .. you have your set of old friends who you defend, da ones your possessive of and the set of new friends, who your best friend just introduced you to. You know for a fact that in a group, the buddies you choose to hang out with .. know you and love you for what you are so your kinda like their 'Queen Bee' with those extra qualities that they are oh so fond of...yada yada yada.. On the other hand .. your best friend is the 'Queen Bee' of her swarm. So what happens when there are two highly strong sentimental and proud egoist queens trying to make a position to lead the large swarm as a whole? Disaster! There is that 'one' who wants to step down without letting the other one think she won it. But how do you do that ... I dunno, go figure. Some of the mid life crisis situation I'm facing currently. Its just making me feel so bad that I am very very close to renouncing my title 'Queen J in da house' . And it all started with a mockery over writing a blog on a Saturday...turns out it is Saturday.. isn't it ironic.. don't you think.'
Former Queen Bee
Former Queen Bee
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