Friday, July 10, 2009

Da Dark cloud just passes by..

I know I know it was a month ago ... some random Sunday, when I was feeling low and depressed and I blogged about the non-happenings of my life. But since I was away ... I was off doing things .. feeling things ... loving things ...and hating them.
I wanted to write a blog about how I moved into this magnificent three bedroom house and how I love the huge hall and the huge balcony and my cool room ..all of it for not a penny extra. It was a freaking steal .. I really feel bad for the owner. He is this maharashtrian guy from pune ... I tell you ..we maharashtrians are service class people. We just cant think business.
Then I thought of writing about how my previous owner was totally unfair to us and was acting like a total a whole week was spent ..taking legal advice from lawyers. Did you know that a 50 rupees stamp paper holds no good. Actually none of the stamp papers hold any good .. since the 40000 worth of transaction is gonna take 4 years to settle anyway. And trust me lawyers don't come cheap. Finally I handled this situation... boy ..if I'd let my roommate talk to the landlady all you could hear is $!@#$*&%..and you wish you had a hearing problem.
Weird things have been happening around me. Some I don't understand ... some I understand but I'm acting dumb and some are just there... right in my face..jolting me back to reality. So.. how hard do you need to be pinched to make you SEE. ... hard, really really hard. Lets just say there is this dark cloud that got me wet .. totally drenched ... and then the next minute there was not a single drop of water .. huh.. no analogies .. this actually happened. :) You don't know if you should be happy that the dark cloud has passed by ..or felt foolish that you didn't wait for the rain to stop. Coming to bigger crisis in my life ..
So .. then thought of writing about stuff that I thought would never happen to me. It didn't... but it happened to her. A very emotional period I say .. one of things that made me realise that the world around me is not perfect. The happy faces you see everyday have so much history ... You would never know ..and be glad you don't. I wish I knew how she felt .. things she thought .. things she wanted to say but she didn't. I have never been so broken as I was that day.
I thought of blogging about losing a dear friend .. but trust me its not worth it. I would have thought it was but I'm just too angry and confused right now. I just don't get it .. but I know I am not wrong .. I'm just possessive. :) Well ... then I thought I would at least write an useless entry just for the heck of it .. but I can proudly say "You see.. I'm on call.. I don't have much time". I am loving it .. the responsibility .. the expectations.. the time lines ..basically da work.
Today I tripped .. missed a step and hit badly.. dropped the God's prasad on the floor. It was all down .. was it a sign that things I asked for ..aren't gonna happen .. or was it like a punishment for my sins.. or may be a reminder to wake up and smell the heat ... the world is no more a safe place and I don't think it ever was... it's just waiting to rip you off.

p.s. loving the weather here .... havent switched ON the fan since three days. Well, I really wish I had something to blog about.

Not so happening,

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