Monday, December 6, 2010

Go Litter in your House

I HATE destroying public property. Hate it..Hate it..Hate it..I wonder what mental satisfaction it brings to carve names on monuments ... only to never come to the same place ever again.

Funny thing happened to me when I was in the 8th grade
.. I was coming down in the lift with my girl friends and for some reason they had red sketch pens with them. They started doodling J loves ?.. R loves A ..yada yada yada with hearts all over the place. Now this I swear to God happened ... I tried to tell them not to do it. I felt helpless coz it was four against one..I don't remember what happened later.. all I remember is everyone blamed me for it. I was like .. Why me ??? I was always in the center of such drama. I think I was a lil gullible then .. not that much has changed over the years. Still working on it though. Good progress.

A recent incident similar to this one occurred. Some idiot wrote something in the uni's lift. It was written in pencil so it was easy to erase. I took the initiative to do it. It felt good. It was like erasing the bitter memory from my childhood.

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