Thursday, February 10, 2011

Patience is a Virtue ... really ?

Patience is a state of endurance .. true. I personally used to think that I was pretty close to attaining enlightenment but something changed. I felt anger and trust me its really difficult to get me angry. If you think I'm giggling and smiling all the time .. that isn't a facade. I do have my share of background processes .. but that's acceptable I guess. It was really important for me to find out what really ticks me!! The answer lies in the life I've lived. I know..sounds cliche.. but things that have bothered me in the past .. I've managed to push them out ..knowingly or unknowingly.
The question is how long and how much can one tolerate?
No one tells you when its the perfect time to break the silence, resort to other means, retaliate. When do we draw the line when it comes to tolerance. I think I'm pretty high up there but try not to get on my wrong side.

The right side,

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