Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Finals Week

ok ... not so soon missy! My semester ends on May 11th but before I reach that day, it's not gonna be a joy ride. Did I mention, my birthday is on it's way. Bless the day, when this angel was born :). Recently, I've been told that my inability to raise my voice at people .. has proved me to be an unique individual. So, I thank my parents and family to pass on this wonderful quality to me.

Also, May fest is over and more parties to come. Looking forward to my vacation in India :) Finally I'll experience that feeling of being a foreign being in my own country. Can't Wait!

Well, an important presentation tomorrow... so I will haveta split!

xoxo to myself. Study hard!


Samudra said...

I am sure you qualify as a schizophrenic on *some* level.

Unknown said...

Don't comment on this ... ok you can comment on it ...try to be nice..yeah I'll try.