What goes around, does it really come around ? ... when bad things happen to you .. do you ever think you might have done something wrong to someone before .. Well yesterday I was standing in a queue of this food mart..waiting to be billed. The one ahead of me needed change, well to send "goodness" back in the world and hoping I'd get it back someday ...I gave up all my change. Next thing I know the cashier didn't have any change left for me....for all the good you do. Then again, what goes around, does it really come around? I was sitting at the airport waiting to board .. this chick comes to me and asks me to look after her baggage till she uses the ladies room. I agree, coz you know ..she thought I looked like the trusting type or may be like the dumb type coz she plans to blow up the airport ..I'd like to think otherwise. My flight announcement and I go running without a second thought. I am all settled in my seat when I see her coming right at me..I had just ran off leaving her bag unattended ...for once I was relieved that I didn't leave it, at the mercy of other victims who would die. But the guilt of breaking her trust just kept growing as she took those steps towards me. She went for the seat in front of mine. What a relief .. with a smile of embarrassment I said "I am sorry, did you find your bag?". She smiled back. All settled. So you may think .. her reclining seat was not too much of a recliner, it was broken making it fall right on me. I only realized that when they announced "Please keep your seat upright!" but this seat wouldn't budge. I don't break rules ..so with my seat upright and hers right at my face .. I had a squashed flight to Bombay. I hope you could picture it well ... But you sure cant picture the backache. What goes around, may be it does come around! So what would you do to break the cult? Be nice, always do the right thing ...smile when you get burnt? I believe ... always try to do good , go out of your way .. if its practical . Your heart will let you know, when you did wrong. Don't try to be God, but don't forget to be human. After all this , if you still couldn't break the evil...it would at least make you a better person.
A God fearing Woman
A God fearing Woman
Making World a Better Place To Live,Huh!
A nice Thought, A Difficult Deed,indeed!!
Have you seen the movie "Pay it forward"? Check it out.
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