I really really really hate to admit this but I share a secret connection with Sponge Bob Square Pants. It's not that I like him ... I am him. I worry! I took this stupid test a while ago.. which cartoon character do I resemble? And you would expect .. someone cool like T-bone or jerry, anything but Sponge Bob Square Pants. I admit, I had no clue who he was.. and to top that the explanation of the character went something like.. you are nice to everyone, friendly, charming!! Well, that sounds good... so I didn't bother so much. :)
Recently, thanks to my nephew, I am forced to watch sponge bob square pants! And trust me, he is annoying. He is gullible, easy, cranky, in constant need of being liked and goes completely out of his way to do something for people .. it's almost unbelievable. My point here being that .. be nice but don't be gullible.. help everyone but don't go crazy.. and just don't be cranky .. that is plainly annoying. And if you ever attain this level of sensibility, teach me as well! :)
The only thing I admittingly have in common with mr. sponge bob square pants is good friends. :) I also wouldn't mine a pineapple house under the sea. :)
Aye Aye Captain!!
that's me