Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ticked Off

"Any resemblance to persons living or dead should be plainly apparent to them and those who know them. All events described herein (this blog) actually happened, but my intentions are to only highlight the ongoings of MY life and MY life only.". Boy I feel like a celebrity. I'm famous ... how else can you explain hate emails.... I don't understand how my love for romantic comedies and my ways to keep myself happy and content... can possibly be offensive. May be coz I'm happy... and I'm happy to be happy. I guess that's about it.

Anyway.. I do have a good life and I'm willing to always have one... unless "persons" try really hard to mess it up :).

Being nice - tick
Being considerate - tick
Being famous - tick
Being awesome - tick
Being myself - ticked off!

I come in peace,
Jay with a y..

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