Let me explain the picture.... firstly aren't they the cutest thing you've ever seen. Red pandas are on a verge of extinction and Firefox is working with WWF to save them. The image is a still from the live streaming of two red pandas in Brazil. They are taken care in the facilities and the room has these cameras all around the place. You can switch to different angles in order to get a better view of the two cuties. Isn't that nice...
I'm not too happy about the pandas being trapped in this small room.. so I really hoped it would have been a better place for them. But I appreciate the idea of live streaming. I'm starting to grow fond of them. Its like watching over your pets... oh he is licking his paw.. oh look he is running around.... hehe. It makes me happpyyyy... very happy.
Animal lover,
p.s. so what is the picture really about ... behind the scenes : .. shifu is sleeping and has no intention of playing with charlie..so charlie gets mad and tries to start a paw-fight.. shifu looks down on charlie ...asks him to get the hell out of his zone ...and charlie is disheartened .. jumps down and starts running around like a mad panda. :)
1 comment:
Thanks for this piece of info :) Lets pray that their species lives forever.
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