Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It's been a while since we used kinect. The reason being we lost our TV at the mercy of my nephew. That sweet little thing didn't even know that he was creating a hole in our hearts. Yeah that is how important TV was for us. And now the hole is filled up with a new TV.

Anyhoo.. yesterday I felt like dancing in the middle of the night. So I did just that. I think the time lag is having a weird effect on me. I sleep at weird hours and am awake through the night. I think dancing is the best thing that happened to me. I mean I don't know where it comes from. No one in my family is known to be remotely into dancing ... or they just haven't got out of the closet. I ain't complaining.
One of the things I regret is to quit my professional dance lessons. The only memory I have of that is moving forward with tapping steps in a straight line without looking down. And the dance teacher looking at me in awe. It's hard to admit but the reason I left dancing is because I couldn't find a holy song for my finale. I was so scared to show up for the next class without a song. Silly eh. Looking back at it now I feel like a sore loser. I gave a really stupid reason to get out of it. I wish I would have had the courage to show up and face the consequences. I really love dancing. How else do you think I can make it through watching all seasons of Dance India Dance.

So right now my ultimate goal is to reach rank 1 in Dance central. I've currently made it to 6 and there is a long way to go. Yes I know I'm bragging. But there are very few things I can be proud of. And dancing would be one of them. :)

Right now I was listening to this song called "Hambo pa laven" by Knife River Cowboys. And it made me dig into the meaning of Hambo. To my surprise, I found out that it's actually a traditional dance in sweden. Now ain't that sweet. It looks complicated in it's own way. It kinda reminded me of that tom and jerry episode Crambone ( I don't think they are related but if you see any resemblance... then we are on the same page. If you don't then you are way smarter.



espee said...

I too feel sometimes I was born to dance .. and then I look at myself in the mirror and the mirror is crying! out of pain for having gone through such a level of torture !
I wish you all the success for Dance Central :) don't forget me when you become number uno ! :)

Anonymous said...

Is Quitting same as Losing?
If my knowledge of the language is somewhat good then the answer is 'NO'.
I dont think u LOST (maybe show is as good as loss) but "SORE LOSER" tag is something that u have accepted just to sooteh u...then way to go about it...!
might sound cliche but 'WINNERS NEVER QUIT...QUITTERS NEVER WIN'
and btw "PROFESSIONALS" never quit even if for lack of HOLY nything...!

Mr. Anoymolous

Anonymous said...

btw that TOM AND JERRY cartoon defined some1 :)