Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'm no SpongeBob

Despite my unbelievable matching characteristics to Mr. Sponge bob... I secretly aspire to be like someone else. And who you might wonder. It's none other than Garfield. OMG where should I begin. Don't get me wrong it's not my goal to become a fat lazy cat. I just find him hilarious. He has a great sense of humor. I think Jim Davis did a great job. Garfield might be fat, lazy, selfish. But his sarcasm just beats all. My love for this cartoon may also be coz I try to be sarcastic. Not sure how well I do at it. But as per her, at least I do it at the right time. :)

Anyhoo I like garfield and odie. I wonder if I would have had a dog and a cat and they were great friends. But, cats can be so impersonal at times. They are so independent that it makes me feel inadequate. Dogs on the other hand are so dependent... and it gives me the feeling of nurturing someone.. truly taking care of them. If ya know what I mean.

Switching back to Garfield.. of course I have his comic scripts.. nearly all of them. :). The best part is that he is himself. He doesn't worry about other people or animals. He can be himself and say things that he truly feels.. however inappropriate they are. No pretend non sense. I like that. Long Live Garfield. And hoping for more sequels.

Cartoon Lover,

Quotes from Garfield:
If you are patient, and wait long enough, nothing will happen.

Odie, let's talk effort versus return here. You know, you can still lead a pointless life without all that running around

Why don't YOU watch where I'm going?

Good Times are ahead or behind.. but they sure aren't here.


Anonymous said...

"Good Times are ahead or behind.. but they sure aren't here"

Thats how the human mind has been designed, never is in present, always love to be in past of present

espee said...

Have you watched Garlfied : the tale of two kitties ? oh man .. freaking hilarious !