Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The leap

However insignificant this day was for me today, I can't get over the fact that it comes once in four years. So four years back on this day I had no idea what I was doing and I probably wont remember...four years down the line. But I haveta write something for the heck of it right. So here goes...
Every person is obsessed with doing something special, making something happen, doing something different. But my focus right now is to do something I really want to do. I've tried hard to do different things ..sometimes trying hard to please people and sometimes just making things happen for myself. But right now at this moment I can't think of anything but to keep myself happy. And what goes into such dramatic approach one might think. Nothing.
You wake up, pick a hobby, get the things you need to get going and just do it. It's that simple... but only if life were so simple right. ;) I'm learning to cook, bake and after my first full paycheck I plan on getting my hands dirty with some paints and decorating. I love life...everyone should..but we need to start doing things that make us feel glad that we are ALIVE.

leaping towards,

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