At this moment, I sit on my couch cozily, legs folded, looking into my computer. I pause and look up to see the dishes not done, half a cup of coffee still on the table, clothes hanging from weird corners and no cooked dinner. I ignore it all since I know that if I don't put this down right now, another month might pass by too quickly.
It doesn't sound like me to live in a house this untidy. But, there are things that have suddenly taken priority over my clean humble abode.
#1 The Husband: Yes, this is what I said last December, when my Husband asked me to marry him on the Brooklyn Bridge at 12/12/12 12:12 am. We had a beautiful wedding ceremony in the presence of family and friends.
This brings us to today, we are adjusting to each other's quirks, but loving each other more every passing day. K-man I love you but I'm glad you are on-call tonight since I need to write this blog.
#2 The Gym: Yes, it is possible to use Janhavi & Gym in the same sentence. Even though I am in my late twenties (not that late), I have never had a gym membership. K-man and I joined YMCA a month ago. It's the best thing that happened to me since the time in ninth grade, a friend made fun of my sense of fashion. So here is my schedule:
Monday: Zumba
Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Belly Dancing
Thursday: Zumba & Bollywood Dancing
Friday: You crazy, I go four times a week. What have you done lately?
#3 The Social Butterfly: Yes, with marriage comes great responsibility. No, power doesn't have a patent on it. They say you don't marry the boy, you marry his family. But, in case of K-man, I married his family, childhood friends, school friends, high school friends, under-grad friends, interns and other fellow residents. I love them, they are all nice people. Given the pool full of people, chances are someone is getting married, coming to town, leaving town, catching-up, having a baby, birthdays, festivals you get my drift? Plus one everything.
#4 The WFH: Yes, People complain a lot about work & travel, I would say in that regard I'm blessed. I try to start work at 8 am. and end promptly at 5 pm. The only reason it is so prompt and perfect is because my team-mate has to leave at 5 to pick her daughter up from DayCare. I set my computer to Hibernate and I'm free as a bird. No hassles of traveling, no nothing. I'm at your disposal.
But if one more person tells me I can manage chores better since I work from home, will be hit with pan on the head and across the face.
Time to get my head out of the computer again. It's my turn to do the dishes.
Overwhelmed but Coping,
House Wife
It doesn't sound like me to live in a house this untidy. But, there are things that have suddenly taken priority over my clean humble abode.
#1 The Husband: Yes, this is what I said last December, when my Husband asked me to marry him on the Brooklyn Bridge at 12/12/12 12:12 am. We had a beautiful wedding ceremony in the presence of family and friends.
This brings us to today, we are adjusting to each other's quirks, but loving each other more every passing day. K-man I love you but I'm glad you are on-call tonight since I need to write this blog.
#2 The Gym: Yes, it is possible to use Janhavi & Gym in the same sentence. Even though I am in my late twenties (not that late), I have never had a gym membership. K-man and I joined YMCA a month ago. It's the best thing that happened to me since the time in ninth grade, a friend made fun of my sense of fashion. So here is my schedule:
Monday: Zumba
Tuesday: Swimming
Wednesday: Belly Dancing
Thursday: Zumba & Bollywood Dancing
Friday: You crazy, I go four times a week. What have you done lately?
#3 The Social Butterfly: Yes, with marriage comes great responsibility. No, power doesn't have a patent on it. They say you don't marry the boy, you marry his family. But, in case of K-man, I married his family, childhood friends, school friends, high school friends, under-grad friends, interns and other fellow residents. I love them, they are all nice people. Given the pool full of people, chances are someone is getting married, coming to town, leaving town, catching-up, having a baby, birthdays, festivals you get my drift? Plus one everything.
#4 The WFH: Yes, People complain a lot about work & travel, I would say in that regard I'm blessed. I try to start work at 8 am. and end promptly at 5 pm. The only reason it is so prompt and perfect is because my team-mate has to leave at 5 to pick her daughter up from DayCare. I set my computer to Hibernate and I'm free as a bird. No hassles of traveling, no nothing. I'm at your disposal.
But if one more person tells me I can manage chores better since I work from home, will be hit with pan on the head and across the face.
Time to get my head out of the computer again. It's my turn to do the dishes.
Overwhelmed but Coping,
House Wife